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January 04, 2019 3 min read

2019 is right around the corner, which means many Americans are busy making resolutions. If yours includes improving your personal health in the coming year, you certainly aren't alone. Currently, less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. But even knowing this may not make your daily workout any more appealing. If you really want to commit yourself to increasing your fitness levels but feel unmotivated or anxious, these tips might help you feel more equipped to embrace this challenge.

Start Small and Slow

Don't get too ahead of yourself. It's great to be enthusiastic about working out! But if you try to push too hard or too quickly, you could end up feeling frustrated early on. If you aren't accustomed to using gym equipment or haven't made exercise a regular part of your routine in years, you'll want to start small and slow.

Start incorporating physical activity a little bit at a time and don't put too much pressure on yourself to work out constantly. Any movement is better than none! By fitting in subtle ways to exercise throughout the day and by being patient with how much you work out, you'll be in a better place to sustain these routines for the long haul instead of giving up on yourself too quickly.

Don't Beat Yourself Up

Whether you join a gym or buy some of the best exercise equipment San Jose has available for your home setup, you need to remember to treat yourself with kindness. If you aren't able to lift those heavier weights or hold a plank for longer than a few seconds, don't get mad at yourself. Remember that making a major lifestyle change takes a lot of courage and that change takes time.

If negative thoughts about your body or your abilities come into your head, acknowledge them and dismiss them. Your mind should be a healthy haven too, so those harmful notions have no place in this process. Positive thinking and being compassionate to yourself can keep you motivated and less focused on the things you don't like. In fact, you may not want to give much thought to the scale or the clothing size you're wearing. You'll stick to your routine if you zero in on how exercise makes you feel, rather than an arbitrary goal that your body might not actually be able to attain or maintain.

Find an Enjoyable Workout

If you feel like your options are limited to what you can find in a gym or community center, you might not feel like getting up off the couch. The treadmills and ellipticals you'd find at any sports store may be high quality, but they might not offer physical activities you actually enjoy doing. That can get old very quickly, which can cause any semblance of motivation to disappear.

If you're determined to get fit in 2019, do your research. There are plenty of options for exercise equipment San Jose residents frequently use. Try them out when you visit one of these stores and see which ones capture your attention. It's also a good idea to combine your use of gym equipment with other physical activities like swimming, rollerblading, biking, dancing, and all kinds of sports. See if you can sit in on classes, try out a guest pass, or get a bunch of friends together to form an adult sports league. This can allow you to experience all kinds of activities and find the ones you enjoy most to work into your new routine.

Ready to get fit this year? We've got the best rated exercise equipment San Jose has to offer. Contact us today to learn more.

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