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March 17, 2020 2 min read

Utah Home Fitness has a great selection of exercise equipment for your home gym. While we often think of treadmills, ellipticals, and exercise bikes first, a rowing machine is a great way to test your endurance and so much more. Learn all about the benefits of rowing exercises below.

Provides A Full Body Workout

When you adopt a fitness lifestyle, it’s important that you incorporate both cardio and strength training into your workout routine. An excellent way to tackle both with one exercise is to use a rowing machine. Rowing is an aerobic exercise that can increase your stamina, help with weight loss, and work both your upper and lower body.

Low-Impact Exercise

A common concern for many when it comes to exercising is potentially suffering from an injury. Another one of the benefits of rowing exercises is that it involves low-impact movements. This makes rowing the perfect exercise for anyone who is trying to stay fit without causing an injury.

It’s Refreshing

It’s important when you’re working out regularly to mix it up occasionally. Many people typically run on a treadmill or use a bicycle machine, but these exercises can get repetitive over time. Rowing is the perfect exercise to take on if you want to challenge yourself with something new.

Makes You More Explosive

Athletes are always looking for ways to become faster. The movements performed with a rowing machine can easily make you more explosive. To really take your game to the next level by improving your speed, use a rowing machine.

Easy to Use

An essential reason why you should start rowing is because it’s an incredibly easy machine to use. To use a rowing machine, all you need to do is grab onto the handle, strap your feet in, and move back and forward in a seamless motion.

If you need a rowing machine, a Valor rower at Utah Home Fitness is the perfect addition for your personal gym.


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